The Blockbuster - Sample Reading 4

The Blockbuster - Sample 4

This is a 37-card reading, which firstly locates blockages and then aims to bust them!

Now for the reading sample, cut down for privacy's sake and displaying approximately half of the actual reading:

The essence of the matter:  4 of Wands, 4 of Cups, Knight of Swords

Aah… you have a problem in bringing things to their logical conclusion. By the look of things this affects many areas of your life – in some areas perhaps this does not bring up too many problems – but in some circumstances it can cause you a great deal of difficulty, and even at times, lead to outright failure…

...In both circumstances, you are probably setting yourself up for pain and discomfort. What is very noticeable though is that Knight. Once you actually decide that enough is enough, you act swiftly – sometimes even quite rashly – to jolt yourself out of the situation and onward in your life.

I get the sense here that largely you are quite accepting of your easy-going approach to life, regarding it in many ways as advantageous and acceptable. When you look around you, and observe others who seem more driven and goal-oriented you see little to appeal to you in the somewhat frenetic effort they seem to need to invest…

Things which remain hidden or concealed about the matter:  Magus, Ace of Wands, Universe

You know, this is a remarkably powerful and revealing group of cards. That magus tells us that – perhaps at a subliminal level – you tend to be very much in command of those areas of your life that you want to be in control of. You tend to take quite a long view to achieving the things you determine to be important…

...Your Will is much better honed than you may imagine in many ways. Most people have a great deal of trouble allowing their Will to flow in straight and coherent energy flows back out into the Universe – yet it is precisely this process which allows it the greatest impact and potential…

…And, as I said before – since this ease of the release of guided Will is something with which you are enormously familiar, you tend not to even think about it.

 Obstacles:  2 of Swords, 5 of Disks, 2 of Disks

This is contradictory. You are relating here to the things you think suffer as a result of this perceived blockage, and also hinting at reasons for the problem occurring in the first place – I do have to say – I am not convinced this IS quite so much of a problem as you think it is, you know? When your heart and mind are aligned you have no problem setting your Will in motion. The blockage occurs much more when you think you should be functioning differently.

The heart:  8 of Disks, Aeon, 9 of Wands

This seems to be an area that had changed quite a bit over the last few years – perhaps as a result of settling down and finding your own emotional place in the world. You look to have had something of a tricky start when it comes to establishing your position – but having achieved it you derive enormous satisfaction and a quiet contentment from this.

You took some crucially important steps forward not too long ago here, perhaps consolidating an important relationship…

 …It’s interesting, though, that you maintain your “work to live” philosophy though. There’s no real expansion in ambition here.

The head:  Devil, Lust, 3 of Wands

Oh dear. Despite all my observations about your generally laid-back attitude to life, you’re showing a fair tendency to over-think things here. I suspect this arises from the should/ought issues I discussed earlier in the reading. I’d also guess it’s being pushed by your own shifting expectations of self.

I’d be more thoughtful about the thoughtfulness, if I were you, rather than doing too much thinking about expectations – particularly those imposed from outside yourself. Societal pressures can be subtle but compelling if they are not faced head on and challenged as soon as they arise…

The spirit:  Empress, 2 of Swords, Knight of Cups

See here again we see you largely at peace. You have immense curiosity about matters of spirit – though by the look of it no clearly developed core belief. Rather you enjoy questing and exploring, gathering together views, information and hypothesis.

You do have an underpinning philosophy – but it is individual, developed mostly in accordance with your own observations, and encapsulating the operation of Will as discussed earlier in the reading…

…You do hold close a belief in the good treatment of others though. You believe that by offering gentleness and respect you earn the right to these yourself – of course this is not always proved true by the process of life... 

...You’d probably be well-served by paying a little more attention to your creative abilities in service to your spirit you know. There’s a lot more to come out there – feels as though it has to do with words, rather than images.

External pressures:  4 of Disks, Moon, 3 Cups

It was this group I was looking at when I was reading the sections about your thinking patterns. There’s a certain limitation showing here, evidenced particularly by that Four...

…It’s well worth stepping back from this aspect of life at times, and letting it take up its rightful place in importance. Purely because you have a Will which works in accordance with your deeper feelings, when you find yourself becoming bogged down or too deeply embedded in everyday life, your Will is still working…

Old habits:  9 of Disks, Ace of Swords, Priestess

These next two positions look to me as though they need to be read “sort of” together in this case. In many cases you’d expect the Old Habits section to throw up some challenging cards – but not in your case here, as you can see.

In fact in some respects there seems to be a logical progression occurring here – possibly in response to the life changes you made in the last few years. You can see those first two cards in the groups – the Nine and the Eight  - indicate a steady growth of commitment and application primarily in the work environment. This arises as a result of shifts in your own requirements in this field, which in turn arise from changing circumstances. I think this next year or so will see continuous progression in these areas…

New thoughts:  8 of Wands, 3 of Disks, Adjustment

…You think you can see the pattern of the next three or four years – though there is one particularly significant shift that will take place that you do not anticipate. Whilst initially this will feel like something of a shock, in the long-term I think it is a source of great joy which affects the bulk of your life.

Basically I see a steady unfurling here. There are few shifts or surprises (save the one I just mentioned) and a feeling of progress. Some subtle shifts of expectation will take place, but nothing of remarkable import (again save the one thing I mentioned).

You are beginning to develop a sense of shared history with somebody who means a great deal to you. 

Fears:  Fool, Knight of Wands, Princess of Cups

...This perhaps explains your uncertainty about commitment in the first place. I see no indication at all, however, that any such fears have a grounding in reality. They are simple echoes of earlier experiences – you can put them back in the box and shove it into a corner of the cupboard.

How to proceed:  Devil, 9 of Disks, 10 of Wands, 7 of Wands, Moon, Adjustment, 3 of Disks, Empress, Prince of Swords
Now, in many respects you are pretty well-balanced, you know? Much of this reading indicates matters where you perhaps fail to live up to – and sometimes understand – your potential. In many respects you have no real blockages that need “busting”.

Even the matter we highlighted first – the tendency not to follow through – is something that is gradually shifting within you in response to general life changes. It requires no great level of activity to try to move forward here.   You are already doing this at a pace that feels comfortable for you in those areas that you deem it necessary…

Expect significant improvements to your overall material position over this next two years (this as a result of those changing attitudes we discussed earlier). And lay those fears to rest when it comes to concerning yourself about the longevity of important relationships in your life. There is no cause for concern here. And no requirement to do anything particularly differently.

Oh… and look forward to getting to know the little one indicated by the Prince of Swords ;-)

Loadsa love

Reading by Jan

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