The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus is in the abdomen under the ribcage. This is the power centre, from which we discharge things like will. Its natural colour is yellow. It governs the bottom section of the lungs, the stomach, liver, kidneys and pancreas, though some functions it shares with the Sacral centre.
Surprisingly enough it is from this centre that we do our thinking (I've often thought the brain was in a funny place) from. If it becomes blocked or flow is sluggish concentration and memory functions drop, our thoughts become fuddled and we are unable to make good decisions.
A lot of our sense of well-being and optimism is stored here too, so when the centre is damaged we can often find ourselves sinking into depression and inertia.
The Solar Plexus is very important for those engaged in healing work of any sort, because this is where we build and release healing energy.